The Nature of Upcycling


Upcycled textiles are things reborn, they have already gone through a whole iteration of product lifecycle. That may be a single use transportation lifecycle or a well loved and endured daily lifecycle.  Inherently, they hold character from their previous use and purpose. This means when you get an upcycled piece you are getting the character of that textile, and you'll know it. Denim wears, rice bags wrinkle, colors fade. These are the things that give upcycled items such unique quality. We design everything to be as functional and long-lasting as possible given the characteristics of what we are upcycling. 

So when you notice some previous signs of life on your item, appreciate them. Take extra care when washing your upcycled goods and try not to overstuff them. We are so grateful that you appreciate unique upcycled creations and finding alternatives to unsustainable consumer avenues.

We understand that there are limitations to every textile and seeing as many of our upcycled textiles do not have extended lifecycles in their primary purpose it is hard to predict their long term performance. If for any reason you feel an upcycled item has failed or underperformed where it should not have please contact us and we will deem if it is suitable for repair or warranty.